*** M U S I C - C L U B ***
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 Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST]

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Male Příspěvky : 3026
Místo : East EU - West Bohemia
Emploi : retraité
Loisirs : cagnarderie
Registrace : 29. 06. 06

Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST] Empty
PříspěvekPředmět: Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST]   Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST] Icon_minitime6/5/2008, 15:02

OST Michael Nyman - The Piano (1993)

Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST] Piano

1. To The Edge Of The Earth
2. Big My Secret
3. A Wild And Distant Shore
4. The Heart Asks Pleasure First
5. Here To There
6. The Promise
7. A Bed Of Ferns
8. The Fling
9. The Scent Of Love
10. Deep Into The Forest
11. The Mood That Passes Through You
12. Lost And Found
13. The Embrace
14. Little Impulse
15. The Sacrifice
16. Clipped Your Wing
17. The Wounded
18. All Imperfect Things
19. Dreams Of A Journey


Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST] Sjff_01_img0385
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Piano / The Piano (1993) [OST]
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