*** M U S I C - C L U B ***
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 ExtraRareNewWave Song

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doot doot
doot doot

Male Příspěvky : 419
Virgo Věk : 57
Místo : Oldham,UK
Emploi : Actor and sportsman
Loisirs : co to je?
Registrace : 05. 03. 07

ExtraRareNewWave Song Empty
PříspěvekPředmět: ExtraRareNewWave Song   ExtraRareNewWave Song Icon_minitime20/6/2009, 12:03

Crocodile Tears - Listen to You

(Crocodile Tears)

I wish I knew whatever makes you say these things to me
Oh, I, I must assume you never really mean them
But if it's true and everything was planned so carefully
Tell me why you took your time to tell me you were leavin'

So - in the end it's up to you
And if that's what you want to say
Go - I could change my point of view
I won't listen to you

This all appears geared towards me asking you to stay
Oh, no, I, I can't believe you really think I'd do that - hey, is that what you think
Your childish tears are there because you wanted it that way
So cry, it's all I need, you're so naive

So - in the end it's up to you
And if that's what you want to say
Go - I could change my point of view
I won't listen to you
Oh no - in the end it's up to you
And if that's what you want
Then go - I could change my point of view
I won't listen to you

© 1983 Rippertunes you think
Your childish tears are there because you wanted it that way
So cry, it's all I need, you're so naive

So - in the end it's up to you
And if that's what you want to say
Go - I could change my point of view
I won't listen to you
Oh no - in the end it's up to you
And if that's what you want
Then go - I could change my point of view
I won't listen to you

© 1983 Rippertunes
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ExtraRareNewWave Song
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