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 Golden Rock Ballads

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Male Příspěvky : 6222
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Místo : EU
Registrace : 11. 04. 06

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PříspěvekPředmět: Golden Rock Ballads   Golden Rock Ballads Icon_minitime30/12/2006, 13:20

Golden Rock Ballads 2003020418180700761_1

01 - Animals - House of te Rising Sun
02 - Moody Blues - Night in White Satin
03 - Progol Harum - Whiter Shade of Pale
04 - The Rolling Stones - Angie
05 - The Beatles - Oh!Darling
06 - Bagles - Hotel California
07 - Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
08 - Kansas - Dust in the Wind
09 - Nazareth - Love Hurts
10 - America - The Last Unicorn
11 - Greedence Clearwater Revival - A Put a Spell on You
12 - The Beatles - Let it Be
13 - The Tremeloes - Silence is Golden
14 - Hollies - He Ain´t Heavy He´s MY Brother
15 - ZZ Top - Blue Jeans Blues
16 - Mindbenders - Groovy Kind of Love
17 - Bee Gees - Massachussets
18 - Omega - The Girl with Pearl´s Hair

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Příspěvky : 23
Registrace : 30. 10. 07

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PříspěvekPředmět: Re: Golden Rock Ballads   Golden Rock Ballads Icon_minitime17/7/2008, 22:17

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