*** M U S I C - C L U B ***
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 17x z 192TV

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Male Příspěvky : 548
Gemini Věk : 62
Místo : Praha
Registrace : 08. 02. 07

17x z 192TV Empty
PříspěvekPředmět: 17x z 192TV   17x z 192TV Icon_minitime31/7/2020, 14:36

17x z 192TV

The Nolans - Attention To Me
Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire
ABBA - The Way Old Friends Do (Live)
Dire Straits - Calling Elvis
The Bee Gees - You Win Again
The Beatles - She Loves You
Bananarama with The Fun Boy Three - Really Saying Something
Cat Stevens - Lady D'Arbanville
Keith Marshall - Only Crying
The Tremeloes - Ride On
Crispian St Peters - The Pied Piper
Don Fardon - Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'
Kingston Trio - Tom Dooley
The Supremes - You Keep Me Hangin' On
The James Boys - Over And Over
Bobby Goldsboro - Honey
Luv' - My Number One


17x z 192TV 20200716
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17x z 192TV
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