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 Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)Flac

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Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)Flac Empty
PříspěvekPředmět: Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)Flac   Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)Flac Icon_minitime14/3/2021, 12:18

Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)

Artist: Robert Palmer
Album: Riptide (Remastered)
Year: 1985/2021
Genre: Pop Rock
Format/Quality: .flac 24-Bit/192.0 kHz

01. Riptide
02. Hyperactive
03. Addicted To Love
04. Trick Bag
05. Get It Through Your Heart
06. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On
07. Flesh Wound
08. Discipline Of Love

09. Riptide (Reprise)
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Robert Palmer - Riptide (Remastered) (2021)Flac
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